Coding and Scripts
Nate Hussey
Implemented CineMachine to aid in our use of cameras throughout the project
Reworked character controller to use the built in Unity Character Controller, and to properly use CineMachine virtual cameras for the third person camera
Planned out a solutions for switching characters, and set up a protoyping scene to help me test that solution
Robert Highsmith
created script for lilypads to sink after standing on them for too long
Video of the script working -->
Jennifer Field
Programmed main menu buttons
Planned pause screen programming
Robert Highsmith
Created the lilypad paths for the puzzle
Implemented sinking script and water bobing script
Nate Hussey
Implemented my plan for the character switching mechanic
Started a framework for creating character specific actions
Started planning out another rework of the character controller
Will keep what we have for camera movement
Will replace the Unity standard character controller to allow us to attach rigidbodies to the playable characters
Made a prefab of the player character, and tested it in the main forest scene