UPDATE (11/22/2020):
Rabbit Character Development
By Nicole Jansen
The final character being created this semester is the rabbit, whose model and animation development took place this week.
Concept Art
The rabbit was given a fancy jacket to make her look professional and
Character Modeling
The character was made by heavily editing the squirrel mesh. The squirrel's accessories were deleted and the body was slightly adjusted to better fit the original rabbit concept sketch.
The squirrel's rig and animations were also brought over to the rabbit character because of their similar body types. This helped to streamline the animation process, however the rabbit was given unique hopping and face scratching animations. All existing animations were adjusted to fit the new mesh and personality of the character.
Rabbit Animations
Rabbit Animations
Rabbit Face Scratch
Rabbit Hop Walk
Rabbit Talk
Unity and Blend Trees
This final character's mesh, rig, and animations were brought into the Unity scene so a character specific blend tree could be created. A rabbit animation package was exported and sent to the rest of the team to be integrated into the final build of the semester.