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UPDATE (11/23 & 30/2020):

Finalizing for Our First Prototype

By Chantil Hunt Estevez


Post Processing Fx

Materials and Asset Placement

Grass Textures Created via Illustrator

Bee's Knees - Main Forest - PC, Mac & Li


Earth House Door 

Modeled a little wreath for decoration on our new door in Blender

Artist Reflection:

     As for the development of the environment, my biggest challenge has been the actual implementation of various methods that exist to write  custom material shader code in Unity 2019. I chose to utilize open source codes to ensure that the style would remain consistent throughout. I am grateful for Roystan Tutorials, Acorn Bringer Assets, Minions Art Tutorials, and Impenzia Tutorials for helping me in the environmental development. I had utilized a few of Acorn Bringer Low Poly Assets as placeholders until I further develop specific assets for the scene. 

     The roles I fulfilled became more and more diverse as we started development. From 3D modeling environmental assets, to developing textures, to world building, to shader scripting, to creating particle effects, to assisting in the implementation of character animations and movement, to video editing using Premiere, to organizing power-points, to setting up scene change transitions with Robert, and counting. My goal was to broaden my understanding and versatility in 3D modeling and game development using Unity. I wanted to create something stylized and unique for a newbie developer. I hope to accomplish a more inclusive human centered design that can be accessible for people of all backgrounds, including those with disabilities. 

Tools Used: Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Blender, Unity, and Visual Studio. 

Looking Forward For Next Year's Development, 

Chantil Hunt Estevez


Website created in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 by Team Bees Knees with

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