On the week of 10/12/2020, we had reached our first milestones for creating a workable base for our game! A lot of the past two weeks focused on finalizing the story, working out group communication, and working out game design dilemmas in regards to puzzles and mechanics.
We were able to create test environments with our characters within them to continue working out the aesthetic of the final game.
Second Milestone - 10/12/2020
(Posted by Alison Brannon)
Other members of the team continued to work on creating mechanics needed for the puzzles that will appear in the game, while character controllers and potential movement mechanics were being ironed out.
During the two weeks leading up to10/26/2020, we had reached our second milestones for creating a workable world for our game!
Nicole created a new character and began working on animations.
Chanti created a full environment for us to playtest in.
Alison wrote the dialogue and encounters for our main story.
Robert finished the scripts for our first puzzle.
Nate completed our character controllers and the character switching ability.
Jen implemented the main menu UI into our Unity scene.