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UPDATE (10/12/2020):

Beginning Character Development

By Nicole Jansen

(Updated on 11/22/2020 to add concept art)

This week I focused on the development of our first three character models: Eubie, Detective Duck, and Portebella. A test rig for general character animation was also created. 

Eubie the Bumblebee

Eubie the Bumblebee wants to be a detective when they grows up so they can help their friends. They love their honeycomb glasses and blue and white scarf. 

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Detective Duck

Detective Duck is the best detective in Unimore. They are more than capable at finding clues and is never seen without their signature hat.

Duck Turn around.png
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Portebella the Mushroom

Portebella the Mushroom lives in the spookier parts of the forest, cooking soup for the other animals who live there.

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Another color scheme was tested for the mushroom character, however the purple palette was chosen by the team because it felt more mysterious.


Test Rig

For the purposes of streamlined development a rig that can be applied to many different character models should be created. As models for the game have been designed using the same base, this should be  a relatively simple task. 

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Website created in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 by Team Bees Knees with

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